Ka Ipu ' Aina(土地的容器)

Ka Ipu ' Aina(土地的容器)


The Ka Ipu 'Aina clean-up program for Neighbor Islands is open! Please check this page for updates on when the 瓦胡岛 program will resume. Mahalo!


澳博体育app下载’s longstanding environmental community partnership in 夏威夷 is called Ka Ipu ‘Aina, a 夏威夷an expression which translates to ‘container for the land.’

The trash removal program was established in 2001 and, 从那以后的一代, has been successful in partnering with non-profit groups more than a thousand times to clean up both the inland and coastal areas throughout the state.

Trash that is removed and properly disposed of will no longer pollute our lands and nearshore waters.

While the total amount of debris collected has not been measured, 澳博体育app下载 has paid out well more than a million dollars to 夏威夷’s charities for their volunteers’ efforts.

With this program, which is available on 瓦胡岛, 毛伊岛, 考艾岛 and 夏威夷岛,

  • 澳博体育app下载 donates the use of container equipment for cleanup projects arranged by non-profit organizations.
  • 澳博体育app下载 also pays for the trucking expenses incurred in the delivery and pickup of the containers and bears the expense of properly disposing of the debris.
  • 最后, 澳博体育app下载赚了1美元,000 cash contribution to each of the non-profits that successfully complete a cleanup initiative.


The application and confirmation process are online, initiated via the link below.  Applications are a two-step process which will involve, 第一个, being approved as eligible to conduct a cleanup and, 第二个, the confirmation process, involving selection and confirmation of date and location.


邻近岛屿申请 在一年内连续被录取吗.  If the on-line application is disabled, please email to giving@umlstudy.net 申请申请机会.

Link to In-Progress Applications for Neighbor Islands

To Review Your Saved Application OR to Finalize and Submit Your Application, 点击这里

瓦胡岛卡伊普阿纳岛申请表- 瓦胡岛项目仍在暂停
瓦胡岛的应用程序 一年接受四次吗, during one-month open application periods for cleanups in the following quarter.


在你的团队被告知接受之后, work directly with 澳博体育app下载 personnel in each of our 夏威夷 offices to ensure all arrangements are made in the time frame requested.

位置 联系 电话号 电子邮件
瓦胡岛 Keahi桦木 848-1252 kbirch@umlstudy.net
毛伊岛 Buzz费尔南德斯 871-7351 bfernandez@umlstudy.net
考艾岛 帕特里克小野 245-6724 pono@umlstudy.net
夏威夷岛 莫娜Eskaran 935-7015 meskaran@umlstudy.net


谁有资格参加?   多长时间?

Groups must be a IRS designated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with federal 慈善 tax-exempt status. Participation is limited to one project per charity per calendar year. Priority will be given to groups which have not participated before or which have not participated in the last three years.


During the open-application period (on 瓦胡岛) or year round (on our Neighbor Islands), the charity completes the online application which involves verification of 慈善 非盈利状态.

审核申请. The charity is notified whether or not their project is accepted in the program.

如果得到批准, 澳博体育app下载 will work with the charity group to schedule a date and location for their project.


A Ka Ipu ‘Aina project must be a specific area clean up; the collection of trash from a fair/festival or from a neighborhood/community is not an eligible project. A group may use the container for as long as three days.



  1. Arranging a 澳博体育app下载-paid trucker to deliver the Ka Ipu ‘Aina container to the cleanup site.
  2. Arranging for a 澳博体育app下载-paid trucker to pick up the container and deliver it to the disposal facility
    • Note: Members of the non-profit group are responsible for traveling in their own vehicle to the disposal facility and unloading the bagged trash and other debris from the container.
  3. Arranging for a 澳博体育app下载-paid trucker to return the container to the company.



  1. Provide 澳博体育app下载 with proof of general liability insurance;
  2. Obtain permission from the land owner or manager of the cleanup site for:
    1. 清理和
    2. for the container to be located at the site for the period of the cleanup;
  3. Make arrangements with a disposal facility to accept the debris which will be collected (again, 澳博体育app下载将支付处理费用).
  4. Recruit and coordinate the clean-up participants, securing a liability waiver for each participant.
  5. Performing the cleanup, putting garbage into the Ka Ipu ‘Aina container.
  6. Traveling in their own vehicle to the disposal facility and unloading the bagged trash and other debris from the container.


一张1美元的支票,000 will be sent to the charity upon completion of the organized cleanup, 其中包括:

  1. 提交所有责任豁免表格;
  2. Disposal of the waste at a disposal facility; and
  3. Return of the container in good condition to 澳博体育app下载.


At sea, we are leaders in the maritime industry’s environmental stewardship arena.

ONLY food scraps are disposed of at sea – all other waste materials are collected in ‘greentainers’ during voyages (notice the green container on the vessel in this photo) and recycled/disposed of properly at shoreside facilities.

澳博体育app一直在减少海洋垃圾 二十多年了 透过澳博体育app的“零固体废物排放”计划, which was developed in consultation with the Center for Marine Conservation (now known as the Ocean Conservancy).